Sunday, May 23, 2004

Card Party and Absinthe Night

I am close to having my house ready for a party. I want to start with something small. Maybe 8 people and cards. Two tables of 4. We could play "progressive Canasta". I could also explore exposing them to some of my vintage out of print commercial card games. I have thought about suggesting this event at the Gay Pride center, but a lot of the people that would go, are not people I want as friends. Nice people, but a little dull. Possibly of the shut-in variety. I should talk, as I am practically a hermit at the moment. But I do not shun crowds.

I wanted to do an Absinthe party in April, but my detour through the hospital put that on hold for a while. My friend Marc goes to Spain a lot, and brought back some Absinthe for me, but did not get enough for me. I have the "absente" USA Legal relation to absinthe, and two spoons.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

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