Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Archives working

I figured out what was wrong with the archives. I changed the name or something, and it affected the file names of the archive pages, but did not change the links until i republished.
I find it interesting to see my posts, when I was sick, and trying to find out what was wrong. dec - february. most of my writing moved to kevin3 in feb. I still used this as my personal deep thoughts, and things I want to remember.


Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

I talk the talk

I talk the talk about what I throw together to wear, but only rarely do people get to see them when they are not there. I am breaking down my barriers. I am putting up or shutting up. As I get ahold of the pics, and scans I'll post them.

click little for bigHere is my 4th of July Parade costume from 2001. I had been sporting a zigler-esque handlebar and goatee since I saw Moulin Rouge. The theme was Hawaiian Shirt Day. When I say theme, I do not mean the parade theme, but our personal theme. Our bar, and the bar across the street, declared it Hawaiian Shirt Day. Well the manager of it, and myself did. But they bought into it. Our bar got RW&B Leis, sailor caps, pom poms and stuff. the staff all decided to wear hawaiian shirts. Well for me, the ringleader the preasure was on. So I headed to the fabric store, found appropriate fabrix and had a custom shirt made. Cranking it up a notch, I decided to wear a hawaiian skirt over a petticoat, my stache was waxed to razor points. My feet were behooved with Rollerblades.
Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

Friday, July 09, 2004

The Green Fairy Arrives

And no I am not talking about the Great Gazoo from the Flintstones. A friend of mine picked up a bottle of Absinthe for me in Spain. Oops I mean Spanish Perfume. A little dab behind each ear, and artistes and writers follow me around like cats to a milk truck.

the great gazooI've had the "fake" stuff since before the end of last year, and I have two of the slotted spoons. I am going to make it a ritual. Supposedly I'll have to consume mass quantities to get the hallucinatory effect. I wonder if that's what we could start calling Jaegerneister blackouts. We Hallucinate we are concious. Or would that be unconscious?
a Later Splat Post!

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004


little lambs eat ivy

Chatty Clerks

Ever wait in a line behind someone that insists on carrying on a conversation with the clerk. First you think its related to the transaction, then you see the give and take of rel conversation. To what end? Lines can be long enough, and that little bit of "golden time" talking with the clerk about their views on the state of NCAA Lacrosse, does not make up for the time wasted getting up to that point.

If there is a line, chit chat should be kept to a minimum. There are ways to be pleasant without feeling the need to pour your heart out to someone. I would not want to live in a society where its like the "Soup Nazi on Seinfeld".

Tonight I did get a 10% discount because the clerk proceeded to tell the indecisive family of 6 in front of me, which colleges are acceptable for her 17 year old to consider. I did not ask. I did not look as exasperated as I felt. I hope. So she must have known how incompetent she was. Not about the conversation, but for not knowing where any of the buttons were on the register. I was waiting to hear "where's the one?" or "The any key?" All the orders were missing something by the time they appeared on the computer screen. Sprinkles on a cone, pecans on a sundae. For me it was the chips in my mocha chip blizzard. This of course was conversation unrelated.

Old grocery clerks are notorious for the chattophilia. Sometimes they get so involved in their off-topics they forget the minor details, like giving you your cash back on your debit card. One even had to ask me how much I got, even though I told her as I was pressing the buttons.

I was in the service industry a long time. I know how special the human connection can be with service people. But you run a risk when you possibly irritate your other and future customers. When I was waiting tables I spread myself around to all the tables at one point in the meal, so some did not feel lesser. It can be very irritating if you feel you have to be best friends with the staff to get any service. For that matter, I made a point to be a bit chatty with strangers. But I did not do it to the detriment of service.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.


I am pretty forgiving when it comes to movies. I try to figure out the creator's purpose. Once I find out what that is, I can enjoy a movie on its own terms. I think I mentioned this on how I rate movies based on their genre as opposed to all movies on the same scale. That is how "Pajama Party" and "Being There" can both rate 5s in my book.

I can think of only a few movies that I have had trouble with this ability. The one that comes to mind this morning is "Crash". I will not deny it was a powerful movie. I saw it once only, possibly 7 years ago and am still thinking about it. I remember wanting to see i,t because then New Line Films Owner: Ted Turner, delayed it's release until after he sold the company. This contrasts greatly with the recent Disney Miramax 9/11 squabble.

I thought "How dare he?" Sure, he is the owner and all, but David Cronenberg is an artiste, what is he thinking? Crash, if you do not know, is about an underground society of people sexually aroused by car crashes. The concept was just beyond my comprehension. I am pretty sure I finished watching the movie. But then again, I can name only one movie I walked out of a theater on. I decline to name it at this time.

But needing a purpose, I found one. This movie put me in the perspective of sexual misunderstanding. I am a gay man, and I repeatedly hear from my straight brethren that they "do not understand" or "There is now way..." in reference to gay sex. Until seeing this movie, I did not understand that feeling. I always pegged it as some sort of sexually repressed denial. But having seen Crash, and feeling the same way about Crash Fetishes, I have an understanding that "not understanding & never" are indeed possible.

I still did not like the movie, but I liked the effect it had. If that as the directors intent - Bravo! Now I am much more open-minded about people's sexual predications

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

Nine Dead Gay Guys

Nine Dead Gay Guys was funny. Of course, as with "Something About Mary" I felt a bit uneasy laughing at some of the things. But it was an equal opportunity lampoon. It poked at just about everyone. There was a Guy Ritchy or Danny Boyle sensibility with the movie. Plots moved forward backward sideways and possibly inside out. It was almost a screwball comedy on the order of "What's Up Doc?".

The netflix DVD I had was filthy or scratched. But I did not notice how bad it was skipping, until about "20 minutes" into it, I noticed the DVD player clock had 40. So there may be some holes in my understanding of the plot. But I did not want to stop watching. To interrupt what it was, in case the damage was permanent. I did not want to end the experience. Once ended, I took it out, and it was smudged. I'll watch it again this weekend with the commentary on. I hope it was not scratched, if it was, I'll send it back to Netflix and ask for a new copy. I really did like it that much. I want to view the asides. This was very telling, because usually with a skipping disk, the first thing I do is take it out and wipe.

Nine Dead Gay Guys - is one of the most irreverent movie titles I have seen, but the movie is too.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

Pajama Party

I have long been fascinated by the 60's beach movies, but held them in a state of muted disdain. My mom loved them, and talked about them, but I never watched them. But now, with DVR and Showtime unlimited, I am exposed to a bunch of them.

I recorded "Gidget Gets Married", and was uninterested. Today, on a lark, I recorded and watched "Pajama Party". I loved it and give it 5 stars (for what it is).

I have a unique ability to have a sliding scale when rating movies. A 5 star beach flick is not the same to me as a 5 star drama. It's like when a teacher grades a good student's paper harder than a struggling student. I am used to this enlightened form of discrimination, as I was always the bright kid. When they were not harsher on me, I ended up testing out of a lot of things, and not learning much. But enough of the Declaration of my Genius...

I enjoyed "Pajama Party" for all its hokeyness and silliness. Much on the same level I enjoyed "Who's That Girl". But that is a subject of a different article.

I wonder if "Pajama Party" is representatives of the genre, and should I look forward to a summer of fun with these movies? or was it anomalous and the best of the (worst?) best?

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

Cult of the Damned

On Showtime this month is the forgettable "Cult of the Damned" from 1969. The original title was Angel, Angel, Down We Go. I set my DVR to tape it because of the title. I thought it would be a cheesy EuroTrash soft gore horror flick, on the order of Jess Franco.


I think the filmmakers were on acid when they made it. I think the actors were huffing airplane glue. It is next to impossible to understand. Jim Morrison wannabes, Georgie Girl clones (or Is that Tracy Turnblad?). A Bisexual Billionaire, a hard drinking, ex porno actress, wife, polymorphous perversity and some funky psychedelic art.

If you can tell the difference between the dream sequences, the fantasies and the plot, than you are not paying well enough attention. I think it was made to be watched, when the viewer is all f%$^ked up. I am going to DL it to my VCR, or keep it in "I Delete" mode until I can watch it on Absinthe.

A friend of mine, picked up a bottle for me, as a gift, in Spain last month. I should have it this week. I will try and keep some Absinthe soused notes and write a follow up to this review. One that will make a little less sense. While I am at it, maybe I will watch Carnival of Souls, and David Lynch's Dune, as well.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

Monday, July 05, 2004

Four Month Anniversary

I've done the math, and realized its been 4 mos since my surgery.  I am going to go out and celebrate.  People on the Fourth (The third -- don't ask) could not believe how much different I look than when I got out of the hospital.  I cannot believe how fast these 4 mos. Have gone by.  How many changes have happened.  How much better things seem to be now.  Saturday I felt healthier than I did last year, healthier than I did in 2000 for that matter.  Makes me wonder if I was affected somewhat even then.  But it could have really been my Asthma.