Thursday, May 08, 2008

Religion Faith Mystery Magic

I start to think about the theory of relativity. How, as an object approaches the speed of light time slows down and the differences of past and future don't work in the way expected.

Then as I think about my title name or "word for" my own ideas of the afterlife, I recall the phrase "Children of the Light". This is a biblical title used in Thes. 5:5 and Eph. 5:8. The Religious Society of Friends were also once referred to by this name. There is also a new age movement with a similar name as well. But ... back to my stream of consciousness.

If we are indeed "children of light" could we perhaps be evolving toward a state of being where we are light? Not unlike an astral being, or a star itself. This state of nirvana may well be our intended state and our current form is but that of pupae. And perhaps the senility state of Alzheimer's is a last stage toward the astral state of light, and our thought process mimic that of matter as it too approaches the speed of light.

I caught something on the science channel about an outgrowth on string theory called "membrane" theory - which you can imagine as to string theory what a bed sheet is to a piece of thread. Except this membrane
envelopes a "universe" and each such has its own laws of physics. They all exist in the same physical space, but are invisible to one another due to frequency. Not unlike how the same cable that used to
give us only 36 channels, not can give us 900 plus internet plus telephone and cook an egg.

Expounding on this theory, I am seeing applications that can explain - ghosts, deja vu, ufos, God, afterlife, angels, demons, dopplegangers. The interesting thing about the theory, is the match works all the way
back to the big bang. It is the only working theory that has an acceptable beginning to our universe.

The celebrity darling scientist of this theory is at CUNY, Michio Kaku. I may be switching out my who do I want to meet person on from Fran Lebowitz to this guy. Buy I really think I'd prefer a joint meeting.

Membrane theory, is actually called M-Theory.

from wikipedia "introduction to M-Theory"

M-Theory is not yet complete, but the underlying structure of the mathematics has been established, and is in seamless agreement with not only all the String Theories but with all of our scientific observations of the universe. Unfortunately, until we can find a way to mechanically observe higher dimensions (impossible with our current level of technology) M-Theory has a very difficult time making predictions which can be tested in a laboratory, so technically, it may never be possible for it to be "proven." However, many cosmologists, including Stephen Hawking, are drawn to M-Theory because of its breathtaking mathematical elegance and relative simplicity. Physicist and bestselling author Michio Kaku has remarked that M-Theory may present us with a "Theory of Everything" which is so concise that its underlying formula would fit on a T-Shirt.

-end cite

The higher dimensions mentioned are more than 4. We currently can cognitively realize width depth height and time. This theory uses 12. I am going to introduce elementary matrices here, so see if this does not blow some minds.

  • imagine a single point.
    • imagine this point being expanded into an infinitely long number line.
  • Now allow this line to be represented by a symbol, I will call alpha.
    • Now imagine an infinite stacked series of these in a line; Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etc creating a field.
  • now allow this "field" to represented by a symbol, I will call Aleph
    • Now imagine an infinite stacked series of these in a line, Aleph Vet Gimel, etc
  • now allow this "cube" to represented by a symbol, I will call Fé
this structure can be easily visualized as a black box room, with white grids on all six surfaces. (Jeff the "holodeck" On ST:TNG, Voy)
    • Now imagine an infinite series of these in a line, Fé ûruz þurisaz , etc
this is where my mind blows.
  • now allow this "thing" to represented by a symbol, I will call "Dasher"
    • Now imagine an infinite series of these in a line, "Dancer", "Dancer", "Prancer", etc
  • now allow this "thing" to represented by a symbol, I will call "The Datapoint 2200"
    • Now imagine an infinite series of these in a line, "The Datapoint 2200", "Heathkit H-8", "TRS-80", etc
  • now allow this "thing" to represented by a symbol, I will call "Battleship"
    • "Battleship", "Cannon", "Toto"
  • now allow this "thing" to represented by a symbol, I will call "Tootles"
    • "Tootles", "Nibs" "Slightly", etc.
  • now allow this "thing" to represented by a symbol, I will call "Adams"
    • Adams, Aheme, Albee, etc
I think you get the format now, so I will abbreviate it by the notation s1 s2 s3 where S1 is alpha, S2 is Beta, & S3 is Gamma etc.
    • Koch, Cargill, Chrysler, etc
    • Masa,The French Laundry, Alinea, etc.
    • Glyph-1, Glyph-2, Glyph-3, etc.
  1. Naughtsies: My point
  2. Onsies: Greek
  3. Twosies: Hebrew
  4. Threesies: Runic
  5. Foursies: Santa's Reindeer
  6. Fivesies: History of Desktop Computers
  7. Sixies: Monopoly Game Pieces
  8. Sevensies: Peter Pan Lost Boys
  9. Eightsies: What's My Line? Mystery Guests
  10. Ninesies: Largest Private US Companies
  11. Tensies: Priciest US Restaurants
  12. Elevensies: Your Own Personal Gylph design!

The More You Know TM

-a Mind conscious of what is right.

This is the motto on the Phillips coat of arms.



Monday, May 05, 2008