Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Black Tie White Noiz

Some guy once said derisively that I have a tuxedo for every day of the week. Depending on what you count as a tuxedo, that is not entirely correct. I have 3 Black standards, 2 True Navy Standards, a Black waist coat, a white standard, and royal blue sequined. So technically that is 8, more than one a day for a week. But The white one is in real bad shape, as it is vintage 80s, the blue sequins is a novelty jacket of very low quality. My standards have a variety of lapels, and a variety of designers/brands. Two are former rentals.

One night, I was a presenter at a local awards show. One of he catty queens said to me in all seriousness, "I thought you'd go all out for this". I thought two things, this is a formal awards show in an ornate historic theatre, covered by the press. A tuxedo is appropriate. The other thought was "Who is this bitch criticizing a Dior?" I do have a reputation as a flashy dresser, and that is mostly what I think she meant, but geez.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

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