Friday, September 26, 2003

Ok here is the deal. Opie has been showing interest in me, and I have been playing the aloof older guy - ignoring him until its too late game, While floyd is falling in love at the drop of a hat par usual. This shite happens all the time between me and floyd. I am much slower, and every time Floyd moves in I drop them like a cold potato . I cannot explain why, but I can list numerous examples. Floyd has yet to have something beyond two weeks, but he seems to hit it before I make any moves. This time I am actually circling like no other. and I do not need ten times the competition by anyone helping the two week long goods damaging process along. Opie is actively seekng to rent the house next door to me. Oh and I think I pissed off Polly Prissy Pants
biddy biddy darkcyde y'all!

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