Saturday, October 25, 2003

I could have been accused of insider trading.

Back when I was in college, my mom made an innocent comment of how my dad had been working a lot on an aquisition. I instantly knew that Northwest was buying Republic Airlines. Had I any moula, I would have bought all the stock I could. I even contemplated goign for a bank loan. Thinking back, this would have been considered insider trading, jst from the appearance. My dad in no way told me about it. and mom did not even know what was going on. I am not sure how illegal buying up a take over target by family of senior management would have looked, but I doubt it would have looked good.

Sense prevailed, and even then at the ripe young age of 21 I knew the appearance of impriety was bad. It would have been bno where near the scope of the IMClone business of Martha Stewart.

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