Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Fox Bundle Strategy Fails Me

Dish Network's latest squabble turns off Fox News, Business channels
Disclosure: I hate the editorial policy of Fox News.  I love Fox TV and the FX networks. 
FXNow is not available to Dish Subscribers.  I did not understand, I have FX in my Dish line up, and am eagerly looking forward to Archer next week.

The dispute apparently is FX is not up for renewal but 21st Century Fox (parent) company is greedy and wants to renegotiate its rates.  Fox can't pull the FX off dish. So they cripple THEIR viewers ability to access the app if their viewers use Dish Network.

Is this as big of a deal as Rosa Parks being tired after work, apartheid or separate but equal?  Probably not so much.  But in my mind, I was always able to separate that Fox News and Fx were corporate siblings, because each filled a niche in the market, however mutually exclusive. 

Now, we are forced to associate Fox News with FXNow and the FX channels.  I will still watch Archer, but I will not watch it on FX, I will not see the ads from companies that sponsor the show on FX.  If need be, I will buy the season on DVD or digital.


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