Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Fox Fx Fail

Is Fox Discriminating against its Dish Network viewers?  Magic 8-ball says "Signs Point To Yes"

Why has a conclusion been drawn on Fox discrimination against Dish customers?
There is simple tacit evidence. Today, I began the process of linking my Fox and FX Roku channels.  It is a process I was used to with HBOGO, History and others.  

The onscreen instructions were clear. First I went to the Fox activate web page, which in turn had me choose my "television provider" Dish. Dish in turn required me to log into my Dish account. Again, it was very routine.  The FXnow process was a near carbon copy of the Fox process right up until Dish was not an option for TV providers. I clicked not found and was unceremoniously informed that Dish subscribers are denied access to FXnow.

No explanation was given, but in an Engadget article cited in an adjacent blog post, the FX connection to the actual Fox News dispute was made.

So Fox is not blocking Dish customers from watching a channel they pay for, but the much touted app.End result for many is now some FX viewers can hate Fox News for reasons other than its programing. The censorship of unrelated content.

This blogger sees a TORRENT of viewer disapproval with FX networks.  I suspect iTunes and Google Play may get a windfall from viewers that miss the airings on FX. Will some angry users unfairly singled out due to greed, look to more creative interpretation of time shifting, to justify a no no under DMCA? Hard to tell.
Prohibition led to mom and pop buying booze from gangsters. Just saying #foxfail

Fox Bundle Strategy Fails Me

Dish Network's latest squabble turns off Fox News, Business channels
Disclosure: I hate the editorial policy of Fox News.  I love Fox TV and the FX networks. 
FXNow is not available to Dish Subscribers.  I did not understand, I have FX in my Dish line up, and am eagerly looking forward to Archer next week.

The dispute apparently is FX is not up for renewal but 21st Century Fox (parent) company is greedy and wants to renegotiate its rates.  Fox can't pull the FX off dish. So they cripple THEIR viewers ability to access the app if their viewers use Dish Network.

Is this as big of a deal as Rosa Parks being tired after work, apartheid or separate but equal?  Probably not so much.  But in my mind, I was always able to separate that Fox News and Fx were corporate siblings, because each filled a niche in the market, however mutually exclusive. 

Now, we are forced to associate Fox News with FXNow and the FX channels.  I will still watch Archer, but I will not watch it on FX, I will not see the ads from companies that sponsor the show on FX.  If need be, I will buy the season on DVD or digital.


Saturday, December 06, 2014

New News is good news

For many years now I've been critical of local news and national news that seems to sensationalize trivial events. So I  stopped watching the news. To combat my cluelessness I started listening to radio news and radio podcasts and it's worked out pretty well I started doing it last summer while I was off grid camping. With the plethora of new shows from around the world on my satellite provider and being completely overwhelmed by the sheer volume of news programs from around the world I've come up with a system of news rationing. What I do is search for news shows from different perspectives the BBC China today RussiaToday Aljazeera France and pull it there so many international news cast on a daily basis each day I set a DVR recording for one of the many just that day so Monday might be my Russia today headline news Tuesday might be my France 24 7 news etc have quite a variety coming up but I've never overwhelmed because I have the DVR set to save only one and record each show only once a week. I've been doing this for one week now and I'm quite happy with my overall knowledge of what's going on in the world if stories seem to filter from outlet outlet I can dream it somewhat important or least of interest but the sheer number of stories I never would have seen that are not started doing this is really opening my eyes literally. An example of stations that I watch are as follows: incidentally I have set up a group of recordings called News where these things go straight in there I can always just go to my DVR menu and click up my news folder here's an example I have BBC Newsnight taped from the PPS feed I have news update from China today I have gay USA from free speech TV have the Daily Show with Jon Stewart I have boom bust from Russia today and a few others I'm going to in real time here just page down a few I have Mario Lopez one on one from Nuvo biz China from CCTV espanol BBC Newsnight did I say that already euronews from hitn on the money from a local ABC affiliate American moments from news max no Steve Malzberg show also on Newsmax France 24 a.m. News Lakeland news which is a local public television news cast from the north central part of the state of Minnesota, America tonight on Al Jazeera America headline news from Russia today BBC World News from the local PBS affiliate OK!TV from real network on its on every day its celebrity gossip but I just tape it once per week Washington this week from c-span  Suzie Orman show on CNBC news from Al Jazeera America Israel now news Daystar Sports Center u from ESPNU Inside politics from CNN CNNI simulcast on CNN nothing but trailers from AXS I find when you watch movies you see previews I don't go to movies it's kind of a self denying prophecy and that's coming up my viewing habits for news.

This post was voice type using my cell phone if you read it when this message is extant I plan to come by to reformat this post for little more cohesion and viewing reading comfort.