Monday, March 27, 2006


I had a near death experience (nde) last week. I was sure I was dying. As I lay in my bed in a near fetal position, I wondered if it was the end. I was feeling physically horrible, I'd been puking and had horrible indigestion. I am not sure if I had any heart issues or not, but I took the Nitro pills just in case. I had none of the classic feelings of an attack.

But the weird part of the experience is as I closed my eyes, I could see things "through" my eyelids. This is not an unusual exprience for me, usually its star fields. But every so often it is a silouette. Recently I have taken this silouette to be that of my guardian angel. Spirit guide, what have you. But this time it was a team of them. I looked carefully for a field of light, not seeing anyting but the shadowy shapes. It was like they were filing past me and considering my situation.

I got the intense impression that a decision was made that it was not my "time" and the filed away. No matter how hard I tried to recreate the phenomenon, I only got the star field sensation after that truth time. The next morning I felt terrific.

I've read a lot about NDEs and have understood a collection of friends and family come to meet you to cross over. I do not know if that what was going on, but It was pretty weird.

The whole experience reminded me that I have not taken any steps to take care of my estate in case anything like that does happen. I need to make plans for a will and a living will.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

This is the motto on the Phillips coat of arms.



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