Saturday, November 12, 2005


I think I found my patron saint. The circumstances are just too uncanny.

Besides the obvious, homo, his feast day is my birthday. He died on November 13th, 1197. He was a man that did everyday things extroidinarily well. he was a businessman, and a lover of honesty, virtue and self-respect. Good things happened to those he helped. In 1997, His Holiness, Pope John Paul II wrote a letter regarding him.

Homobonus means good man in Latin. In some instances St. Homobonus is referred to as Uomobuono, Homobono, Homobonius, Omobono, and Omobonus. There was a church in Rome with the name Sant'Omobono.

Currently there is an SCA affiliated festival feast in his honor in Finland.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

This is the motto on the Phillips coat of arms.



1 comment:

Ke7in said...

see: Sexty, Robert W.
(2003). Recognizing Saintly Business: Lessons from Saint Homobonus. New Academy Review, Autumn, 2 (3), pages 55-65.