Monday, October 25, 2004

This is Huge

\Last night I was reading an article in Vanity Fair about Johnny Cash's last
ten years with his new record producer. It also talkd about June's poor

Somehow, when reading it, I realized I lost my Five -Year fixation. I am
not sure how forthright I have been on this here blog about my 5 year
premonition. I just could not make plans for anything beyond 5 years. I
think I fixated on that timespane because so much of the success literature
refers to success rates before and after 5 years. Well latley my mood has
been very elevated. My "joie d'vie" has been "très magnifique".

I feel like I did at 20.

I was concerned about this 5 year plan. I have heard about a lot of
"anniversary" deaths. People hoping to live for one more Christmas,
birthday, aniversary, new year, or very special episode of "friends". Then
they seem to give up. They attained their goal. One of my goals with
counseling was to get away from that time thought. I kicked it without
realizing it, until last night. Earlier I was reading about this supposed
time travel guy John Titor and what life is supposedly going to be like in
2035. While skeptical I put myself in that year as well, and wondered if I
would like it. I'll be 62 then. It may be a while since I have done
"higher math" but I believe, even given the sorry state of education in
america today, most school children woutl agree that 31 years is greater
than 5 years.

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