Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Linens 'n Things - Kikkerland Invisible Playing Cards

Linens 'n Things - Kikkerland Invisible Playing Cards these are kind of cool. - I had a perfectly horrible day of shopping. This despite spending about $200. It was mostly ok, until I got to Kohl's. Because I have changed sizes so much in clothes, I asked someone in the men's department if there was a way I could get my neck and sleeves measured. I always forget them anyway. She said "I can give you a tape measure". I gave up on fitted dress shirts and thought I would get some underwear. They do not carry my size. Apparently Kentucky Men and Boys between 28-32 inch waists do not shop at Kohls. Target does. Linen N Things was better shopping experience wise, but with only oneee check out clerk and customers a mile long, the experience suffered a bit.

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