Monday, May 31, 2004


Ball Park franks has this commercial out now where this hungry guy is
estolling the virtues of thick weiners. "Gurthee" he says as close to sexy
as a guy like the King of Queens can get. It reminds me of the "does size
matter?" debates that go on in women's and men's magazines everywhere. Yes
I ahve seen the debates in Maxim and Men's Health. Its seems length does
not matter as much as width. Length can make an issue with pressing on
stuff, and it only seems to make a difference with the motion, where with
the girth, you definately know. I definately know, as do my partners.
don't go to
drop the "s" of a blogspot blog and it goes someplace special...

Sunday, May 30, 2004

House Sitting

I am house sitting this weekend for my former bosses. I've been in and out
since Wednesday night. Their cat is diabetic and must be given shots twice
a day. I am splitting my time between my house and theirs. Its kind of
nice to have cable tv and central air. My window unit works pretty well in
the one room its in, but the rest of the house, can get fairly warm. I am
also working on projects around their house; like fine tuning their surround
sound system, getting their cable upgraded, getting their car serviced.
Meanwhile my dogs romp around in the back yard, which is apparently the best
place ever.

That party Thursday night sure lifted my spirits. Although I did eventually
start taking the elevator between floors, I did not feel terribly sick. I
did tire out a bit around 10:00 which was not suprising. I would expect
after about 7 trips up and down the very long flights, it would make most
people winded. I did probably over explain why I was not drinking. But
that is pretty normal for me back during my 1.0 period too. I am a born
explainer and educator. But I am still feeling fondly how well it went.
And how much of a LARGE time I had.


Friday, May 28, 2004

After The Party

The party went better than I had hoped. I kept my chin up, but was worried it may have been a bust. But it went very well. My clothes were a hit. But a personal highlight for me was taking off my shirt and having liquid latex applied to my chest, back and face. After which, I had 3 over sized beads and my pearled cat mask. Very cool. In other news, apparently a tornado went through town, and no one at the party noticed.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

White Fabulouso

I had trouble finding a sailor's cap today. Two stores I expected to have them, did not. So I adjusted my plan. Out with sailor, in with non-descript Liegh Bowery style design.

I came up with what I am doing. I bejeweled a mask with faux pearls. I am going to shave my head, and paint on some hair. I'll wear the tight pants and the cute white leather tenners I found yesterday, and my ribbed collarless shirt. I'll probably have several strings of long faux pearls as well. I mean perhaps 5 foot strands.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.


I am house sitting this week for my old boss. I am getting $250 for it. I need to give their cat a shot twice a day. I bought a wireless network for my house with the future proceeds. I figure I'll spend half on this, and put the other half toward my Home Equity loan. I need to get that paid off. All "found money" should go to it, in addition to the regular payment. But I have been so scrimping lately, I had some pent up demand.

I am going to counseling weekly, and I hope to get my spending sprees under control. Meanwhile, I want wireless.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

--ORIGINAL MSG: Scorpio: Your career is stressful these days. But overreacting will make things worse. Astrol

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

White Glorious White

I confirmed I am on the guest list for the White Party. I hit the thrift shops. I found 3 potential pairs of white pants that fit. With my weight loss, as of late, I am pretty sure the white pants I own would be baggy. And going through what I did to lose those inches, I am not going to be wearing baggy pants. All three happen to be women's. Yes I wear women's pants for some of my fabulous outfits. These all also happen to accentuate my unit. Not a bad thing.

I am definitely wearing a sailor cap. And my resourcefulness comes to the rescue. I was trying to figure out how to fabulous it up. I as thinking glitter, or sequins. Then I noticed the 2 hundred foot rolls of string of pearls Christmas garland I got at close out 2 years ago. Imagine an unbroken strand winding its way up the outer rim.

I am not sure if I'll want to wear my seaman's jumper. I want to bedazzle the black on that too.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

Monday, May 24, 2004


How is that for a word? When I started buying up vintage card decks, I also started picking up "Canasta sets" essentially the same as bridge decks. I have cute score pads, score pad holders, even a card table overlay. When I have my card party and absinthe drinking party I'll be able to showcase them. But the cards were mainly old whitmans. I'd be better off using new cards for the actual games so I do not run the risk of ruining them.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

The wagon

I am blaming my weight gain on the alcohol I drank last week. I gained 3 pounds in five days, which was enough for the physical therapists to say had I not lost it, they would have called my Dr about it. What seems to happen is my liver swells against my stomach. I remember being told my liver was in bad shape when I was in the ER last February. I kind of dropped the temperance idea once I started hearing the benefits of red wine etc. But my anecdotal evidence suggests I have nothing to lose by cutting it out. But, if I have a weight relapse again, I will then know it was not the alcohol.

Granted I know, 161.5 pounds was nothing to worry about for my large framed 5'9" body. But the speed of the weight gain over 5 days, suggested it was fluid backing up. For me a sign of something far more serious than retaining water.

I tested negative for hepatitis, so my liver problems are not related to that.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Card Party and Absinthe Night

I am close to having my house ready for a party. I want to start with something small. Maybe 8 people and cards. Two tables of 4. We could play "progressive Canasta". I could also explore exposing them to some of my vintage out of print commercial card games. I have thought about suggesting this event at the Gay Pride center, but a lot of the people that would go, are not people I want as friends. Nice people, but a little dull. Possibly of the shut-in variety. I should talk, as I am practically a hermit at the moment. But I do not shun crowds.

I wanted to do an Absinthe party in April, but my detour through the hospital put that on hold for a while. My friend Marc goes to Spain a lot, and brought back some Absinthe for me, but did not get enough for me. I have the "absente" USA Legal relation to absinthe, and two spoons.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

White Party

There is a white party this Thursday at Voce. Bob asked if I wanted to be an atmospheric model again, like when I was Neptune for the Rockus Bacchus event at the civic center. This basically means I get in free, get to dress fabulous, and basically be the superstar I like to be. No I am modest, really. Who does not like to be a superstar? Sofar I am thinking of a totally white sailor suit, covering the black with white sequin. Sequining up the sailor cap and all. It should be good. Trouble is, I have a job interview the next morning. Should I reschedule? Probably.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.


My aunt told me not too long ago, that we were related to Sibelius through marriage. I have searched for the link, but have had no success. The reported link is my grandfathers mother's sister, his aunt. I Guess that would make Jean my great grand uncle? The problem with the story is, she was reportedly his "second wife" and all biographys have hijm married to Aino and preceeding her in death. Was second wife a euphomism for mistress?

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.


I had a dream last night. We were all at my grandparents old house. My family, an un-named man and myself. Somehow it became time for bed, me and the other guy stayed up. It became apparent to me sleeping arrangements had not been made, and there were no beds. I secretly did not mind the prospect of sleeping with this man, but did not know where it would happen. I think we may have assumed we'd sleep together but everyone else scattered through the beds. I woke my mom complaining there was not place for "us" to sleep. There were plenty of people sleeping single in a double bed. Despite there only being two bedrooms in my grandma's house.

later in the same house, we were discussing lunch. I remember saying, as long as it does not have mayonnaise. My grandma said "everything has mayo here", I replied I'll have to scrape it off then or make a new one.

Ok so is the sleeping thing a way of addressing my Mom's inability to deal with my being gay? Is the mayo incident a reminder I have to be diligent with my careful eating? Everything has mayo, seems to be close to everything has sodium.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Reuse, recycle, redecorate

One good thing about being a packrat with plenty of storage space, is I an accumulate, and ultimate redecorate on a whim with virtually no budget. My attic, basement and garage is filled with accessories and art that I rotate throughout the house, as my tastes change. My living room is moving toward a 60s mod look, by bedroom that of a fish camp, my TV room will resemble a small theatre, my kitchen an Asian theme and my windows will be in primary colors. My back yard is destined to become Grecian. Not ancient, but white and blue like the Greek Isles.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

Thursday, May 20, 2004 Health

Natural alterives to Viagra? Health: "3. Perineum flexors: A lot of men spend hours at the gym trying to beef up their bodies so they can be sexy, but fail to exercise the most important muscle of all. The perineum is the point between the scrotum and the anus. According to the vedic scriptures of India, this is where the kundalini energy enters the body. Kundalini energy is what 'puts the air in our tires,' so to speak. The more open we can make this area, the more energy gets pulled in and thus the more intensely we get aroused. To exercise this area, lie on your back with the soles of the feet touching; let the bent knees drop toward the floor. Now begin to squeeze and release the perineum about 50 times. If you are having trouble isolating this muscle, imagine pulling the testicles back toward your anus. Each contraction should take about one second as should each release. Although you should feel immediate results, you should do this daily to really keep the pilot light on. "

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Chevy Equinox

Now there is a second commercial that is using my theme song as its jingle. For the Chevy Equiniox. Earlier I was shocked to hear it for a clothing store in Minneapolis. But now its a car commercial? I do like pulling out of my driveway with it palying in the CD Player

the song is Mini Skirt by Esquivel

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

Friday, May 14, 2004

Opening up

I was pretty honest on my other blog today. The one my mom reads. I wonder if it will get any reaction. Basically I am sick of talking about being sick. How are you doing is startinhg to get on my nerves. I realize it is people caring about me. Its not like they are asking, so how much did you make last year? They're not being nosy, but I want to be more than a sum of my injurys.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

Thursday, May 13, 2004


I am having a difficulty time accomplishing things right now. I think I am lilting into a depression again. Fortunately I have an appointment with a counselor next week. If I can get through this week. Things weighing on me now include my messy house, my undone bankruptcy, my animals, and obviously my health. I am also not looking forward to looking for work. I don't want to not work either. I am really torn. I know I will not be able to live on disability income and am forbidden to make more than $800 a month.

My budget is hovering in the $2000s per month. Over $500 of that is medicine. I may have found cheaper sources for some of it.

Things I can do to motivate myself.
make shorter lists - did it
perhaps I can focus on the goal of what the actions will do.
Treat it like a promise to myself.
Understand by putting it off, I'll still have to do it.
Understand the sooner it is done, the sooner it is not hanging over my head.
As I write these out, it all makes so much sense.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Welcome to Cicada Watch 2004

Welcome to Cicada Watch 2004

BBC E-mail: Trillions of cicadas to plague US

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** Trillions of cicadas to plague US **
The eastern US is bracing itself for what scientists say will be the largest insect emergence on Earth.

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Flat Stomach

Today I was laying on a hospital bed, waiting for a echo test. I looked at my stomach and it was kind of concave. I thought to myself - why am I sucking my stomach in? I didn't think much of it, I felt it and it did not feel as though I was sucking it in. Tonight I was in the recliner, and I had the same sensation. My rib cage was more prominent than my belly. I thought why I am I sucking my stomach in? I then realized I was not sucking it in at all. It was getting flatter. Granted since I lost weight it has not been like its been since 1986, 18 years. I have added a few inches since I was released. It was soft stuff, not hard like it was. But I think rehab is getting rid of what little fat I have added since release. Fat is turning to muscle. My arms are toned, my legs are toned. I may have a body fat percentage measured this Friday. It should be the end of the standard rehab of 4 weeks. In any case, I am finally seeing results of my working out. Smile.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

A New Way to post

this is a new way to post - via email. I can sms form my phone.


Monday, May 10, 2004


I finished Illusions: the Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah today. It was a follow up to Jonathon Livingston Seagull, with a lot of the same personal empowerment mantra.
Cool quote from it on Kevin 3.0

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Jaeger Mobile Defaced

Someone stole my Jaegermeister novelty license plate. It took a while, meaning I have had it quite a while. I am pretty sure it happened in the parking garage at Central Baptist. But it may have happened across the street from Busters. I'll never really know. It was a quick job in that they took frame and all. It bugs me, but I'll get over it. In the grand scheme of things, its just stuff. I did like that I had one of only three in the entire city. Greg did hook me up. I still have the Jager Bottle molded ashtray and the Varsity jacket. Too many shirts, and key chains to count. I'll get over it. I just don;t like that some punk felt he could just take it off my truck.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Not so bad

I broke them down into the smallest steps possible and only did what was possible at the moment. I took breaks and moved on. going to a prjoct based system of to-do in the planner than daily. Much easier to keep track of.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.


I have huge task lists at the moment.
argh. Well I can get started on them. some of them are order sensitive.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind conscious of what is right.

Sunday, May 02, 2004


Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.

Body Image

I am beginning to know how an anorexic feels when s/he looks in a mirror. I look in the mirror with my new light weight self, and I see a belly. Profile wise I do not have to suck it in for my stomach to be lined up with my chest. My bmi is 23 which is just below average, and within the "healthy" range. My body fat percentage is 17% which is also in that range. I gained three pounds and am holding and act like I am grossly overweight. The above figures reflect the new "higher weight". Actually the weight gain may be attributed to putting on muscle. I have got to take it seriously when people tell me how skinny I am.

I look around and I see skinny people all over. How non-special it really is. I used to think no one was that skinny. Weird.

Mens conscia recti
-a Mind concious of what is right.