Yesterday I went shopping.
At checkout, the lady in front of me encountered some sort of delay, and open mouth apologized to me, in line behind her. I assured her everything was OK.
When the cashier was ringing in my sales, we were engaging in a tight but interesting unrelated conversation. As my wallet was pulled out to pay, she exclaimed, "I have done this before, because I recognize that wallet". I believed her immediately because I receive so many comments on my choice of credit card and currency container.
I then mentioned how once I had been in line and the clerk was asking me about the wallet and a lady behind me was very impatient and extremely rude about it. She was saying how much of a hurry she was in, and how .l.... yada yada ... as she continued to berate the clerk,
"You were amazing, we were doing this, checking and talking, and you said to her 'SHE is being polite to me, her customer'" "I am her customer too" she said. And I corrected her with, "yes but she is serving me. We have nothing to do with whatever is causing your urgency. In fact this very tantrum is delaying you further".
She said I was "amazing" perhaps she is not used to people being calm under pressure. The woman's crisis may have been real, self induced or not. But I didn't let her infect me. Because. According to some people. I am amazing. I smiled as I walked out of store.
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