Sunday, April 22, 2012

Better Health, Dismal resume

The Ticket-to-work (TTW)

It is supposed to shrink the rolls.  I have been dancing around with the program for some time, and still do not get it.  The explanatory process is circular.  This points you to that which points you back to this.  It reminds me of looking up "adult words" in the dictionary, each definition  pointing to another unfamiliar word which takes a route round back to the first word with a few stops.

I downloaded the audio file.  It was pleasant enough, just the same information on the web site, read slowly and deliberately.  When I worked in a financial department, I would hear other agents simply repeat themselves when their callers asked "What?" as if the problem was with hearing and not understanding.  Being able to explain something someone does not know within a context they do know is the gift of teaching.  Soap box, off.

If you read my medical blog about my heart surgery experiences and recovery, you may have gleaned that I have many of the symptoms of a healthy person.  It is time for me to try to find a way to support myself without grabbing the government teat.

Last week I had over $7,000 worth of medical tests, simply to confirm this healthiness.  My ssdi check certainly does not afford me the life I would prefer.  But the specter of losing Medicare for a job that may or may not provide health care, is scary./

I am 48 years old.  Prime for re-employment. I would love to be able to get the TTW program to provide back office and confidence building.  Finding the right Employment Network (EN) is like picking a college.  The big key difference is there is not the infrastructure that colleges have for information and recruitment.  To me choosing a network is like a bad Japanese game show.  Push the wrong button, and you get bonked in the kanoidy noids.

The article below outlines my experience with Social Security's "Ticket to work" program

Published: April 6, 2011
The number of people collecting Social Security disability benefits is rising, and the agency’s Ticket to Work employment program has done little to ease the burden.

More later.
and so it goes
