Thursday, August 24, 2006

Fisting and God's Will

Fisting and God's Will: "Fisting and God's Will
May 30, 2006 new!

The sex act called fisting is a source of confusion and misconceptions for many Christians. This is unfortunate, because it means that many Christian men and women are depriving themselves of what could be the most spiritual sexual experience of their lives. Like anal sex and BDSM, fisting is often mistakenly associated with the gay community or is considered a sex act too extreme to be appropriate for Christian couples. Not only are these views incorrect, but fisting actually has a scriptural precedent, as we will show."

Monday, August 07, 2006

Wanna ride bikes?

Below is probably my best composed example of how it can be with Attention Deficit Disorder. I posted it to Myspace.

I have a slight case of attention deficit disorder and am taking adderall for it. Within the first hour or so after taking it, I get real chatty. People on the phone with me notice the difference right away. Today I happen to be at the keyboard. I thought I'd just let my stream of consciousness flow. I have no idea what I am going to say. I'll keep going until the eTour stops.

My parents bought a cabin up on Minnesota's Gunflint Trail. Also on that trail is a lodge called Windigo Lodge. I saw the name and remembered an episode of Supernatural about one such being. So I've done some net searching. The windigo is kind of both a state of being and a spirit. When someone is lost in the woods, to the point of cannibalistic urges, they can be overtaken by the windigo. The windigo is also described as a frozen giant with a heart of ice. The creature seems to be primarily in the northern part of of the continent. (N America)

I kind of want to get some good windigo stories to tell as ghost stories up at the cabin. But I'm afraid my nephew may be too young for them. There is one at the project gutenberg. I haven't read it yet. It has a slightly different spelling.

The term derives from the Algonquian root word "witiku", though throughout the tribes and times the term's spelling varies: Wendigo, Windego, Wetiko, Windago, Windikouk, and so on.
I think I like the them all. But may finalize that to one only, when I get the tales ready.

What strikes me about my mini research on this topic is that no being strikes more fear in the people than this beast. There is thought that the mythology evolved out of caution to be careful out in the woods and the taboo against cannibalism. There is a mental disorder called Windigo Psychosis where a person believes themselves to be inhabited by the spirit and acts as such. The big foot legends have adopted much of the windigo lore as well. Sceptics would point out that prior to about 1950 the term bigfoot didn't much exist, but by merging windigo lore into it the phenomenon goes back centuries. I also found a book, I may want to look for at the Library. It's Field Guide to North American Monsters.

Topic change
the students had their summer finals last week, and as a result last night was pretty sleepy down-town. It may be the heat, but nearly everyone I know was tired yesterday. I dozed for about two hours when I could have been out taxiing people around. I went out for a bit, and did a few short hops, but nothing too major. So I went off duty and took a rare Friday Night off. I had myself a cool refreshing summer drink, a Gin & Tonic, that just happened to have been a mistake, and was very refreshed. I went home and due to my nap earlier, I was awake until about 7 this morning. Its a good thing I have always been a night owl.

My first real job was at Perkins. I worked weekends and usually had the 10pm - 6 am bus-boy and dish washing shift. I got out of that later, but it seemed to set the stage for later trends. After college I was in theater management. We'd have to work until 12:30 or so, and if we wanted to socialize we did so then. Often we'd corral ourselves at a centrally located bar and make last call. It was not uncommon to have after parties at out houses until the wee hours.

Recently when I was working at Mia's we'd stay up until the wee hours after work. And now that the bars stay open until 2:30 it just drags it out even further. As a sober ride home, I have learned though, if it takes them until 4:00 am to close Mia's, they are usually to much in a party mood for me to want to deal with. But they've figured out a way to get me to buy into the plan. It is to get me involved in delivering their car home.

You see, I don't mind staying out until 4 5 6 whatever it takes. But I want it to be a sure thing. I will happily drive until 7:30 if I have airport reservations to fill. But I do not like sitting out, and waiting just on the outside chance they may need me to drive them. By their having me move their car, it commits them to me for the later hour, and I do not get impatient.

I am on medicare now. Its kind of weird that it makes me feel old. When the old crone on the life alert commercial says "every ... senior ... citizen ... needs ... life ... alert" I pay a little extra attention. But after reading online complaints about the company, I don't feel all that compelled. I am most excited about my drug plan. I spent about $600 on drugs a month for my condition. It is the primary reason I work. Once I get on the plan, I will want to run my numbers and see how much I can cut back from working. My dog is a wiggly worm. The miniature dachshund, Boudain, likes to lay on the bed next to me, and roll on his back and wiggle. Its the cutest. He'll also burrow under the covers using his nose like an elephant would. His snout is so long its like a mole's. It makes sense, though, I guess since they were badger hunters. They'd dig down into the dens after badgers. Of course we all know badgers are nice fluffy mammals with gum-drops for teeth, and candy corns for claws, so the task would have been an easy one. These days My Badger Dog stalks much more dangerous prey: toys. It does not matter what it is. If I pick something up, and say "It's Mine" he's over to me trying to take it way. Its about the only way he'll come now. He does not want to miss out on any of the cool stuff.
The More You Know
*** Boudain's picture is not on this site currently.

-a Mind concious of what is right.

This is the motto on the Phillips coat of arms.

